SLV Upay 国际白金卡推介礼 13-12-2008

SLV Upay Platinum Card Opening Ceremony 13-12-2008

Friday, February 20, 2009

World Pool Bonus - 19-02-2009 - RM3,629.27

Today, I have received an email from a very excited isk members,
posting her worldpool bonus statement for sharing with members,
according to the statement, she received a worldpool bonus on 19-02-2009
which amounting to RM3,

She said, since 19-11-2008 and until todate, she received
her worldpool bonus everyday.

Until today, total worldpool bonus received by her
was amounting to RM14,339.97.

(Note: she bought 25 units x RM200 = RM5,000
on the launching date on 18-11-2008)

Wallet - E-Wallet - RM3,629.27

Commission -
Worldpool Programme - RM14,339.97

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