SLV Upay 国际白金卡推介礼 13-12-2008

SLV Upay Platinum Card Opening Ceremony 13-12-2008

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

IPC New Marketing Plan

Plan A+

Plan B+

Plan A+

Plan B+

Monday, December 17, 2007

第三轮花红已经出炉 (15-12-2007)

IPC 3rd round bonus as at 15-12-2007 are out.


University of Berkley, Michigan, USA
(Professor Dr. Steven Leow Yoon Loy)

中国对外贸易 - 封面人物

IPC集团创办人兼总裁 - 刘运联博士

Friday, November 23, 2007

Dear IPC members,

With effect from 01-11-2007,
will only be used for eMerchant (Plan B1)
registration only.

Please use the following new portal for the
IPC New Enhanced Plan A+ and Plan B+ :-
Use the same Member ID and password as you
have log in to log in this
new portal:-

New portal -

For detail regarding the new Plan A+ and Plan B+,
kindly refer to your sponsor or uplines.

Batch 13 to Batch 14

On 23-11-2007, the IPC Plan B+ has jumped one more Batch.
The following IPC member has jumped from Batch 13 to Batch 14.

IPC Membership Card with Touch & Go

Welcome IPC Members

Hello, ipc members, how are you, thank you for visiting this new blog,
we will try to provide you with the latest informations regarding the
ipc business for the mutual benifits and hope we could shares with each other
some of the success stories and recent progress of our ipc business